a category 2, Recipes, wellness, Wellness Laura Stone a category 2, Recipes, wellness, Wellness Laura Stone

Morning Chocolate Bone Broth Smoothie!

You will love this chocolate bone broth recipe.

bone broth powder
bone broth reviews

You may have heard of bone broth soup, but have you heard of a chocolate bone broth smoothie?

I decided to try a morning chocolate bone broth smoothie after I watched Dr. Axe’s video “Dr. Axe’s Morning Smoothie” (video posted below). Raw cocoa, blueberries, organic unsweetened coconut milk, cinnamon, and goji powder (or acai powder) are ingredients I already know and love. I appreciate the fact that bone broth protein comes from a source of pure and natural protein, and, I never tried it before. I didn’t know you could add bone broth into your morning smoothie….in a chocolate flavor….and I LOVE chocolate, so I gave it a try.

where to buy bone broth

Dr. Axe’s morning smoothie tastes chocolate-y and amazing, and I’ve been enjoying having it with my breakfast the last week! I like how I can pack in a ton of nutrients into a smoothie and feel good the rest of the day.

RECIPE, “Dr. Axe Morning Smoothie”:

  • 1 cup frozen cherries or blueberries.

  • 1 cup coconut milk or almond milk.

  • 1 teaspoon of Chia Seed powder.

  • Bone broth protein in ancient nutrition- Chocolate flavor.

  • 1 tablespoon Goji berry powder or acaii powder.

  • Add a little cinnamon 

  • 1 tablespoon raw cacoa powder.

  • 1 scoop MSM powder (not in Dr. Axe’s video tutorial).

I also added in a teaspoon of MSM powder into my smoothie due to the benefits documented of MSM:

*Sources posted about MSM at the bottom of this post.*

  • MSM supplementation appears to benefit skin health and gene expression. #1

  • MSM appears to dampen the release of inflammatory molecules in response to exercise, resulting in a less incendiary environment, allowing cells to still have the capacity to mount an appropriate response to an additional stimulus after exercise. #2

  • Initial human exercise studies have suggested that MSM supplementation may reduce exercise-induced oxidative stress and muscle damage. #3

Dr. Axe’s Morning Smoothie”:

Short on time, but still want to sneak plenty of healthy foods into your day? Then try out co-founder Dr. Josh Axe's go-to morning smoothie! This recipe is sure to satisfy taste buds and cravings, all in one.


Hope you enjoy your chocolate bone broth morning smoothie!




I am not a doctor, physical therapist, dermatologist, or nutritionist. My blog posts are not meant to give advice but purely to share my own experience and to entertain. I cite references taken from my own online research and post them to routines that I choose to move forward with. What I use may not work for you. We all have unique health conditions and concerns. Always do your own additional research.

I am an Amazon Associate. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I am providing links to products I mentioned in this post for your convenience. I personally use these products. They work for me but might not work for you. So please do your own research.

I purchase all products used in my posts and I am not sponsored by any company.

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Vital Proteins Beauty Collagen Lavender Lemon Powder with Vitamin C

There are lots of exciting collagen beauty, collagen powders, collagen gummies, and more, now in the beauty industry. One way you can benefit from collagen is by adding collagen powder peptides into your water with slices of lemons, pink grapefruits or limes!

Vital Proteins Beauty Collagen Lavender Lemon Powder with Vitamin C

vital proteins collagen peptides

Collagen powders and collagen beauty waters are all super popular in the beauty industry at the moment. Cool collagen waters, collagen gummies, collagen supplements, collagen face masks, collagen dissolvable tablets, collagen serums, collagen deep creams, and collagen infused lip masks can all be found in Sephora, Whole Foods, boutique beauty brands, and even Costco.

Vital Proteins Beauty Collagen Lavender Lemon Powder contains 120mg of hyaluronic acid already in it, and it also contains 1,246mg of Proline. After you mix the collagen powder into your water, add vitamin C into it, this will help your body absorb the collagen even more. Some vitamin C options to add into your collagen water are lemons, limes, and pink grapefruits. The lemon flavor of Vital Proteins Beauty Collagen Lavender Lemon Powder is already nice to work with for adding some extra vitamin C into.


According to this study by Nutrients, COLLAGEN POWDER health benefits include:

  • Improved skin laxity.

  • Decreases the appearance of wrinkles.

  • Repairs collagen fibers and helps reorganize the collagen fibers that became disorganized.

  • Oral administration of collagen peptides increased the collagen content and ratio of type I and type III collagen in the skin.

  • Skin benefits and effects take about 6-12 weeks to notice the effects.

  • Collagen taken with hyaluronic acid can have a beneficial effect on chronologically aged skin.

    BONUS: Vital Proteins Beauty Collagen already has 120mg of Hyaluronic Acid in it :)

According to this same study by Nutrient, EATING OR DRINKING PROLINE (which is abundant in collagen) also improved skin laxity. Proline also has these health benefits:

  • Proline has a beneficial effect on chronologically aged skin in terms of skin laxity.

  • Proline has a beneficial effect on collagen content and ratio of type I to type III collagen.

  • Collagen could increase the collagen synthesis of fibroblasts

  • Proline intake has a beneficial effect on chronologically aged skin by increasing the collagen synthesis of skin fibroblasts.

    BONUS: Vital Proteins Beauty Collagen already has 1,246mg of Proline in it :)

According to this journal by Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, the health benefits VITAMIN C:

  • Vitamin C accelerates bone healing.

  • Vitamin C accelerates tendon healing.

  • Vitamin C increases type I collagen fibers and scar tissu formation.

  • Vitamin C increase type I collagen synthesis.

  • Four of 5 studies found that vitamin C was effective by stimulating biochemical pathways associated with collagen synthesis.

    TIP: Add lemon, limes, pink grapefruit, or another fruit with high vitamin C to your collagen beauty water :)

vital proteins collagen water


There are lots of exciting collagen beauty and health products now in the beauty industry. One way you can benefit is by adding collagen powder peptides into your water with a slice of vitamin C! It’s a refreshing and effective way for your body to absorb the benefits of collagen. Enjoy your collagen beauty water!!!



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Easy DIY Healthy Detox Tea Recipe!

Metabolism boosting. Detoxifying. Natural caffeine content. Simple vegan recipe for beginners!

Oolong Tea Metabolism and Detox Recipe!

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Save this recipe to your Pinterest!

This recipe makes 2 large mason jars to refrigerate for the whole week :) In this recipe we will brew the tea using a coffee maker!

This is a detoxing tea great to drink first thing in the morning to stimulate your metabolism. It also aids in digestion to drink before eating.

***This recipe is not a replacement solution for any health ailments. It is simply a metabolism boosting and detoxing drink with a high antioxidant content! :)


Oolong Tea-Filled with antioxidants such as calcium, manganese, copper, carotin, selenium, potassium, and magnesium and detoxifying alkaloids. Helps improve mental alertness, helps manage stress, increases metabolism, and contains a natural caffeine, and more.

Apple Cider Vinegar- Helps stabilize blood sugar and insulin. Helps detoxify your liver and lymphatic system. Great free radical protection from inside the body, and more.

Ginger- Improves digestion, reduces inflammation in the body, reduces blood sugar, anti-microbial properties, and more.

Lemon- Helps create digestive enzymes in your liver, high in vitamin C, high in antioxidants, and more.

Scroll down for a step-by-step gallery and the directions! Products are linked for your convenience.

detox tea ingredients

What You’ll Need:

1) 3 Oolong tea packets.

2) 6 lemons

3) 2 large pieces of ginger

4) 2 shot glasses of apple cider vinegar


1) Take your 3 Oolong tea packets and simply rip the tea bags open to use the tea inside the packet.

2) Sprinkle the oolong tea into your coffee maker, where you would normally put your coffee.

3) Fill the coffee maker with the maximum amount of water it can hold.

4) Cut 2 large pieces of ginger and place inside the coffee maker before brewing.

5) Now turn on your coffee maker.

6) After the tea is finished brewing, allow the tea to cool down on the counter before adding the lemon and apple cider vinegar.

7) Once cooled, distribute the brewed tea into 2 large mason jars.

8) Now, squeeze 3 lemons into one jar and 3 lemons into the other.

9) Add a shot glass of apple cider vinegar to each jar.

10) Shake each jar. You’re done! Place the jars in the refrigerator for the week.

easy detox tea recips
oolong tea
oolong tea
More tea
Braggs Apple Cider Vingear
Oolong tea, done!


X O,


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Chia Seed Pudding! Easy Vegan Breakfast Recipe!

Vegan. Low carb. Could be a breakfast or dessert! Make individuals for the whole week! :)

Chia Seed Pudding DIY Vegan Recipe

Vegan, Low Carb and Sweet

Perfect for breakfast, or even a dessert

Chia Seed Pudding
Save this recipe to your Pinterest board!

Save this recipe to your Pinterest board!

I just made Chia Seed Pudding for the first time this week and already know this will be a daily breakfast and dessert for me. Since I don’t like eggs, and I’m vegetarian, my go-to breakfast has been oatmeal for the last 2 years. But, I needed a change, and something that wasn’t too heavy, but where I still felt full.

Ok, so this whole recipe of throwing it together took me about 15 minutes to make.

Ingredients (1 serving):

Chia Seed Pudding:

-Coconut Milk, unsweetened (3/4 Cup)

-Coconut Nectar (1 tbsp) *or maple syrup/fav sweetener

-Chia Seeds (1/8 Cup)

-Vanilla Extract (1 tsp)


-1 Apple

-Cinnamon (not measured)

-Cocoa Nibs (not measured)


  1. Add coconut milk into each bowl.

  2. Add chia seeds into each bowl.

  3. Add vanilla extract and coconut nectar. Stir mixture.

  4. Allow the pudding to sit on the counter for 5-10 minutes and stir mixture every few minutes.

  5. Finally, cover each bowl with foil, or a top, and place in refrigerator overnight.

    Tip: If the mixture is too liquid-y, you can add more chia seeds to thicken it.

    Tip: In the morning, you can put any toppings you want on top your pudding. I chose apples and cinnamon with cacao nibs. However, other ideas are strawberries, blueberries, your favorite fruits, shredded coconut flakes, or granola.

Scroll down for linked products used in this recipe and a gallery!

Chia Seed Pudding
Chia Seed Pudding

Chia Seed pudding and morning coffee <3

Healthy lifestyle and wellness tip—>


If you’re wondering what Coconut Nectar is, it is the sap from the flower of a coconut tree. Coconut nectar has a low glycemic index, which means it does not spike your blood sugar compared to agave, or maple syrup, or processed sugar. Coconut nectar has 17 amino acids and a ton of other beneficial minerals in it. I buy mine at Whole Foods, Sprouts or Pavilions. It comes in 2 flavors, Blonde or Amber…I use both! (For this chia seed pudding I used Amber just because that’s what was in my cupboard at the time :) )

Hope you love chia pudding as much as I do!!!



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