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5 Skincare Products You Need to Know About in 2022!

Here are 5 skincare products you need to my 2022 skincare routine!

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NCN Pro Skincare Sea Kelp Bioferment (4 oz.)


1. Timeless Coenzyme Q10 Serum

I have added Timeless Coenzyme Q10 Serum into my daily skincare routine every morning and night. What I love about this peptide serum is that it will compliment your other skincare, since peptides are generally safe with other active ingredients as long as it does not contain the peptide Copper, which should be used differently. Timeless Coenzyme Q10 Serum does not contain the peptide Copper, so this peptide serum can be worn with vitamin C. The peptide used in this formula is Matrixyl 3000, a peptide that maximizes the synthesis of collagen in the skin. I starting my morning skincare with Timeless Coenzyme Q10 Serum, adding Mad Hippie Vitamin C Serum on top (next product) and finally a sunscreen as my daily protective skincare. Also, if your skin is sensitive to retinol, you can use peptides instead. Peptides also help stimulate collagen in a safe, but more gentle way.

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2. Mad Hippie Vitamin C Serum

I love Mad Hippie’s Vitamin C Serum because it contains two beneficial ingredients to protect your skin from antioxidants and sun damage: ferulic acid and vitamin C. One of the reasons it’s important to protect your skin from the sun is because “sunlight generates ROS, reactive oxygen species, aka highly dangerous free radicals. This leads to DNA damage, destroys collagen, and can cause cancer” (Dillon, Roxy. “Bio Young”). Ferulic acid (included in Mad Hippie’s Vitamin C Serum) “acts as a UV absorber, stops the formation of pyrimidine dimers, stops the activation of matrix metalloproteinases by sunlight (preventing collagen destruction), controls the browning reaction (glycation), and prevents the formation of AGEs” (Dillon, Roxy. “Bio Young”). Furthermore, ferulic acid combined in a formula with vitamins C and E was shown to completely prevent sun induced damage,” (Dillon, Roxy. “Bio Young”). Mad Hippie Vitamin C serum contains both ferulic acid and vitamin E.

By the way, you can order the book “Bio Young” by Roxy Dillon linked below. I also added a vitamin C serum for your eyes that you can wear during the day.



I like to apply Moonlight Retinal Super Serum at night because it contains a form of vitamin A that is a little stronger than retinol, but more gentle than tretinoin or retin-a. The color of retinal or retinaldehyde in its natural form is a bright yellow/orange, and Moonlight Retinal Super Serum’s definitely comes out in a bright orange color. Additionally, Moonlight Retinal Super Serum contains niacinamide, ceramides and green tea. Check out this post explaining the difference between retinaldehyde and retinol: “Meet Retinaldehyde: Retinol's More Potent Relative.”



Next, I have loved adding a marine algae skincare product, NCN Pro Skincare’s Seaweed BioFerment, to my nightly skincare. NCN Pro Skincare’s Seaweed BioFerment is light and hydrating, and the seaweed contains amino acids and trace minerals. In a journal about the use of seaweed in skincare, it says, “these biologically active components present in the seaweeds paves the way to be used as an active ingredient in the cosmetic industries due to their potent skin protection ability. The active components from the seaweeds could be used as an antioxidant, antibacterial whitening agent, anti-aging, and anti-acne, and also for moisturization in cosmetic industries” Potential Use of Seaweed Bioactive Compounds in Skincare—A Review.

I apply NCN Pro Skincare’s Seaweed BioFerment on the nights that I don’t use retinal. Read more about the interaction of retinol and seaweed in this article by Mind, Body, Green: “What You Should Know Before Adding Seaweed To Your Skin Care.” Don’t forget, you can also add NCN Pro Skincare Seaweed BioFerment to your hair for added nutrients.


5. La Roche-Posay Anthelios Ultra Sensitive Eyes Innovation Cream SPF 50

I finally found an eye sunscreen with SPF 50 that doesn’t sting my eyes. La Roche Posay is known as a classic luxury skincare company originating France. La Roche Posay, owned by L’Oreal, owns the patent of the coveted UVA filter mexoryl. La Roche Posay’s sunscreens are effective enough to want to travel to France just to bring them back in your bag. See my post “Raiding Products in the Pharmacy in France!

Even though I order my La Roche Posay sunscreen on, you can still buy a quality eye sunscreen here in the United States (linked below) which does not sting the eyes!



Chadwick, Melanie. Meet Retinaldehyde: Retinol's More Potent Relative, 6 Aug. 2021, Accessed 16 Feb. 2022.

Dillon, Roxy. Bio-Young: Get Younger at a Cellular and Hormonal Level. Atria Books, 2017.

Jesumani, Valentina, et al. “Potential Use of Seaweed Bioactive Compounds in Skincare—a Review.” Marine Drugs, vol. 17, no. 12, 2019, p. 688.,


I am not a doctor, physical therapist, dermatologist, or nutritionist. My blog posts are not meant to give advice but purely to share my own experience and to entertain. I cite references taken from my own online research and post them to routines that I choose to move forward with. What I use may not work for you. We all have unique health conditions and concerns. Always do your own additional research.

I am an Amazon Associate and partner. As an Amazon Associate and partner I earn from qualifying purchases. I am providing links to the products I mentioned in this post for your convenience. I personally use these products. They work for me but might not work for you. So please do your own research.

I purchase all the products used in my posts and I am not sponsored by any company.


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