A Good Morning Detox Drink!


What is the first thing you drink when you wake up in the morning? I know for me, a lot of the times it’s coffee. When I’m feeling healthy, it’s warm water with lemon. BUT…I discovered a new and improved recipe for the healthy-warm-water-with-lemon-morning-drink in the version of a lemon morning drink 2.0.

I found this morning detox drink recipe from Clarisa AntiAgingDermatology's Youtube channel. *Side note…if you’re interested in holistic antiaging skincare and wellness methods, skincare, supplements, and more, Clarisa AntiAgingDermatology’s Youtube channel has a wealth of information, you must check it out. I appreciate her channel because it is HONEST and she tells it as it is (for example she told the truth in avoiding most cosmetic lasers because the technology travels to the fat layer of the skin, which most doctors won’t tell you…!)

ANYWAYβ€” back to this Morning Detox Drink a la Clarisa Antiaging Dermatology’s channel. Clarisa explains how it is important to wake up in the morning and start the day off with a detox drink, to clear out your system. She explains in easy terms by comparing your body to a car, in that a car that is getting rusty and (unclean) eventually breaks down sooner than a car that is running smoothly, with minimal rust. This is like your body, the more worn out it becomes with old waste left behind, the faster it will deteriorate and age/rust.

SO… that’s why we want to start off each and every day with a healthy morning detox drink.

First, start off with your usual warm water and one whole lemon.

Also add:

1 tBsp Manuka Honey OR ORGANIC HONEY

(I chose Manuka honey) Manuka honey β€œoffers potential as a prebiotic, containing a non-digestible food known as oligosaccharide, which helps to improve levels of β€˜good’ bacteria in our digestive system including bifidobacteria and lactobacilli populations.” Source.

A dash of Cayenne

One study found that consuming 1 gram (g) of cayenne pepper in a meal increased core body temperature slightly. This, in turn, would burn additional calories. In some cases, participants also had less desire to eat fatty, sweet, or salty foods after consuming capsaicin. Source.

1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has various healthful properties, including antimicrobial and antioxidant effects. What’s more, evidence suggests it may offer health benefits, such as aiding weight loss, reducing cholesterol, lowering blood sugar levels, and improving the symptoms of diabetes. Source.

1 tsp turmeric powder

Currently, there’s no evidence that turmeric or curcumin directly influence longevity, but thanks to their ability to fight inflammation, protect your body against free radicals, and potentially delay brain degeneration and other age-related diseases, turmeric and curcumin may be effective anti-aging supplements, according to past research.

Antioxidants help protect your body against damage caused by free radicals, a class of highly reactive atoms that are generated in our bodies, as well as in environmental pollutants like cigarette smoke and industrial chemicals. (34) Too much exposure to free radicals can mess with the fats, proteins, and even DNA in your body, which may lead to a number of common diseases and health conditions, including cancer, arthritis, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. (34) Therefore, antioxidant-rich spices like turmeric may play a role in protecting you from free radical damage. Source.


CHECK IT OUT!β€”> Do you know how to grow your own organic turmeric? Check out Happy DIY Home’s β€œComplete Guide to Growing a Turmeric Plant at Home” and get started now!


That’s it! That is the recipe of the improved warm water and lemon morning drink 2.0! I hope you like it!!






I am not a doctor, physical therapist, dermatologist, or nutritionist.  My blog posts are not meant to give advice but purely to share my own experience and to entertain. I do my own research and ask my doctor before starting any wellness routine, and recommend that everyone does the same. I cite references taken from my own online research and post them to routines that I choose to move forward with. What I use may not work for you. We all have unique health conditions and concerns. Always do your own additional research.


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