How to Rock a Dark Lip a la Julie Hewett

Coco Noir lipstick by Julie Hewett Los Angeles

Coco Noir lipstick by Julie Hewett Los Angeles

Dark lips are a sure way to amp up any night out with a sexy, seductive tone.

What shades will help accentuate a dark-lipped-look on your other features? Makeup application is supposed to be fun and about the exploration of your own style– wear what works for you and you feel most confident and beautiful! However, Julie Hewett does have a few pointers and tips if you would like to reference.

In the picture of Julie Hewett’s gorgeous Tiah, she is wearing the Coco Noir lipstick in the Luxe Creamy Matte Lipstick collection.


She pairs this dark shade with a rose color blush shade with a brown undertone. Shop this exact shade in “Destiny” cheekie pot by Julie Hewett. Shop it HERE.

Hewett then used her Breathless Palette to accentuate her eyes with a burgundy/wine color mix. Shop this palette HERE.

Finally, Hewett topped the lid with a shimmer along Tia’s brow bone with a light colored shimmer using Julie Hewett’s very own shimmer in her Shimmy line in shade “Goldie.“ Shop “Goldie” HERE.

So, where are you going to rock this dark lip seduction?


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