A313 Vitamin A Pommade from France! What you need to know!

avibon pommade

What is A313?

A313 is a coveted pommade from France filled with vitamin A. The little aluminum tube carries 200,000 UI concentrate of vitamin A. It has been compared to the European version of tretinoin or retin-A (but no prescription is needed). A313 claims to treat everything from wrinkles, pigmentation, actinic keratosis, acne, and oily skin.

a313 pommade retinol percentage

History lesson: A313 is the new formulation of the product “Avibon.” Before, people needed to stock up on A313 while visiting France, just as you do with their sunscreen, but now you can buy it on Amazon! (worldwide shipping with overseas packaging included! see a picture of my package below!)

I decided to order a tube of A313 on Amazon and test it out! After I waited about 3-4 weeks, my A313 package finally arrived! The return address even says “Spain!”

a313 pommade buy

The A313 package looks a little beaten up, like it definitely travelled a long distance. I could not wait to open the tube and test out the feel of the product.

What does A313 feel like?

The consistency feels like vaseline. It feels more emollient and light than I expected it to be. It has a strong smell, like glue. The after-feel is slightly sticky.

a313 experience

My take on it:

The formula of A313 is not as strong as the prescription Tretinoin or Retin A, therefore this could be great for skin types that want a more emollient formula of vitamin A.

Buy A313 here on Amazon>>

Check out these A313 videos below for an in-depth overview!




a313 vs tretinoin



  • Youtube: Dr. Dray, “A313 Pommade”

  • Youtube: Hot and Flashy, “A313, Better than Retin-A??”


I am not a doctor, physical therapist, dermatologist, or nutritionist. My blog posts are not meant to give advice but purely to share my own experience and to entertain. I cite references taken from my own online research and post them to routines that I choose to move forward with. What I use may not work for you. We all have unique health conditions and concerns. Always do your own additional research.

I am an Amazon Associate. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I am providing links to the products I mentioned in this post for your convenience. I personally use these products. They work for me but might not work for you. So please do your own research.

I purchase all the products used in my posts and I am not sponsored by any company.


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