How I Became a Ballerina in Los Angeles!



  • Learn the foundation of all dance forms,

  • Body wellness: Posture, form, and alignment,

  • Creative outlet,

  • Physical fitness, strength, stretching, flexibility and grace,

  • Mind/Body Connection: mindful movement connecting your mind and body.

—> Visit Align Ballet Method Website here.

Photo Credits: Owner of the Align Ballet Method Studio, Michael Cornell.

I’m very excited to share with you my experience and photos in learning the fundamentals of ballet!

I love dance but was never properly trained in dance technique as a teenager or child. In the last few years living in L.A., I ambitiously “dropped in” to advanced dance level classes, from Hip Hop, to Dancehall, to Lyrical Jazz and Jazz Funk. In taking all these different dance classes, I quickly learned that ballet is the base of all dance movement. Ballet is the foundation, and I needed to learn it somehow :)

I’ve always appreciated the beautiful form of ballet, the grace, and the flow of the dancers. However, I always thought ballet is only possible to learn and build on if you took classes while you were a child. While it is true, that professional ballet dancers begin their ballet training at a very young age and progress throughout their dancing career, it is just as possible to learn the fundamentals of ballet and advance at your own rate as an adult.

I came across the Align Ballet Method and couldn’t believe a ballet studio with professional ballet instructors were welcoming adults with no prior ballet experience to come and learn and dance at their studio. So, I signed up for the Align Ballet Method’s “Align 1” workshop, and in taking this class one night per week for a few weeks, I learned the fundamentals of the ballet barre.

I felt very comfortable and encouraged in taking “Align 1” workshop and I was so inspired I signed up for “Align 2” workshop, the level you learn how to dance off the ballet bar. I appreciated how the instructor taught ballet technique, he really cared if you understood and mastered the movement, and there was absolutely no judgment. When you continue progressing through the workshops at Align Ballet Method, there is an opportunity to dance in a dance rehearsal, and later, after you have progressed even more, you could drop into your appropriate level.

Something I really appreciate while taking classes at the Align Ballet Method is the sense of community formed with other dancers while progressing through the workshops together. It’s always fun to see familiar faces each week while you’re learning how to do plies together!

Although adult beginner ballerinas are welcomed at Align Ballet Method, don’t be fooled, the quality of the classes and the studios are top notch. The instructors at the Align Ballet Method each have their own resume of experience within the ballet and dance industry, so it’s this beautiful opportunity to learn ballet from legit ballet professionals.

Advanced classes are also offered! If you are already a ballet dancer with experience, you could drop into one of their advanced level classes, such as “Align 5” or “Variations.” Just call one of the studios and ask which level is appropriate for you.

Scroll down to see my progress after taking “Align 1” and “Align 2” level workshops at Align Ballet method.

Yes, you can do it, too!

Credits: Michael Cornell photography. Shot at Align Ballet Method’s main location on Pico. #michaelcornellofficial #alignballetmethod @alignballetmethod


So, you just saw my progress after completing “Align 1” and “Align 2” level workshops at Align Ballet Method. I hope you liked it! :)




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